
14 October 2012

Knitting & Stitching show

Highlights of the show, for me, were the 62 Group display, the Colour Improvisations quilts curated by Nancy Crow, the hand stitch exhibit (must get the book, eds Jane Keating and Alice Kettle) - so much stimulation in one day made for a rich meal and will take me a while to digest! For now, here are some artists I enjoyed talking with. To see more of their work, follow the links.

At the 62 Group show, Marilyn Rathbone explained how she made "100 Metres Dash" - making the braid involved training sprints and time trials (and a lucet). We also talked a bit about using randomness in making work. Her earlier works are here -
Zoe Cox's work involves intense stitching and minute pieces of fabric, carefully placed, as in the actual butterfly wings. See her earlier work here. She's a member of 02 Textiles -
In the Graduate Showcase, Karin Boyes had taken the subject of soldier-casualties in Afghanistan to make work with depth and feeling. I forgot to get a photo of Karin with her work - this is how it looked in her show at Eastleigh College (pic from her website) -

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