
11 October 2012

Book(s) du jour

A day of bookmaking and exhibition planning started with this prezzie from Janet - one of her books with gold spines - the subject is  "Spectacles" and I happened to have to hand some frames found on a walk -
 To her gold books, Janet has added a quote on page 46 [why 46? see her DNA-related explanation here].
It reads: "As sight is in the body, so is reason in the soul" and was said by Aristotle.

The product of the afternoon  was an experiment with embossing/debossing -
I'm calling these "cupboard books" because the "doors" open at the centre, making for a long format when open. Karen (the arrows) used the bookcloth cover to join the back and fronts, and will be sewing a signature into each side, whereas Janet (black) and I covered the boards separately, using the paper inside to hold them together. We'll either draw or write on that paper, or glue in something else.

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