
11 October 2012

Tate Modern - the tanks

Such a pleasure to sit in "the red room" - a metal cylinder lit by a red light bulb - looking out at the speeded-up video of "The Crystal Quilt" performance (1987) and listening to what the women had to say about the process of ageing and being their older age.
 The women talked, among other things, about
-the need for a vocabulary to describe what's beautiful about older people
-respect for ourselves as a picture to the world around us
-living a richer life because you're experiencing things more
and, of "women's values" - being willing to work with impermanent things.

Also at the tanks: a double-projector work by Lis Rhodes (Light Music, 1975) - "an innovative work presented originally as a performance that experiments with celluloid and sound to push the formal, spatial and performative boundaries of cinema" -
Looking around, you see remnants of the former life of this space -

A few steps away, in the big bookshop, lots to choose from - this is a bilingual sort of art-slogan book (The Future will be ... China; impromptu thoughts about what's to come) -

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