
07 October 2012

Scroogette goes grocery shopping

It pays to keep your wits about you in the grocery store. For instance, the bigger package doesn't always work out cheaper (like it used to) -
The 500g bag works out at £2.00 a kilo, but the 1000g bag has an "everyday low price" of £2.99 a kilo. Hmm...

And what about the profusion of flours? The upper shelf offers strong white bread flour - white very strong bread flour - super strong premium white bread flour (would that premium refer to price?).
Below, though, is own-brand "strong white flour" which will do just fine - at 60p for the bag.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, they think they have conditioned us now so that they can play this game. I like to find some one and point out these little "errors".
