
26 February 2013

Book du jour - "Flood library"

Trying out various types of paper for their reaction to water. I wet them, and the pages stick together - they allow themselves to be separated and twist when the hairdryer is applied. The "better" the paper, the less distortion, as you might expect.


  1. wonderful movement in the collection of them together!
    and I like the colour variations on some...or is it shadow? Makes me wonder about sitting them into puddles of coloured water to see what the seeping would do.

    Sorry, intruding on your project again!

  2. I love the 2 in front. I wonder what would happen if they had been written on, if it was not waterproof ink would you get interesting things happen with text or if it was waterproof would the distortion of the pages make the text look more interesting and distorted and if it were lines how distorted would they look. You do such interesting things... giving others/me plenty of things to mull over.
