
26 February 2013

If dogs could fly

... they might look exactly like Rez Dog, part of a travelling exhibition put on by the Textile Museum of Canada. In Dreamland: Textiles and the Canadian Landscape,  landmark Canadian artifacts from the Museum’s permanent collections are integrated with the work of contemporary Canadian artists, creating a dialogue of personal and cultural expressions across time and space. "

See more of John Henry Fine Day's work here. He died in 2006 at the age of 32 - way too young.

A very different work in the exhibition is by Douglas Coupland -
Coupland is better known as a novelist - his Generation X was published in 1991.

Other artists in the exhibition are Amalie Atkins, Jérôme Fortin, Grant Heaps, Jason McLean, Graeme Patterson, Ruth Scheuing, Michael Snow and Barbara Todd. Short summaries of their work in the exhibition are here.

"Historically, Canadian textiles have often taken the form of vernacular objects, whether utilitarian and domestic items or community and individual expressions of life and landscape. Dreamland foregrounds such evidence of everyday lives in the form of hooked mats, hand-pieced quilts, handmade household articles and personal objects with stories that have dynamic links to specific regions, families and individuals.

 "Interwoven with these histories, contemporary artists from across the country offer artworks that emerge from the same impulses – precise articulations of place and memory, tradition and transformation, conveyed through diverse media including textiles, video, installation, sculpture, painting and performance. "

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