
24 May 2013

Art I like - "Shell"

"Shell" was made for Pallant House in 2007 by Susie MacMurray, and consists of mussel shells lined with, or perhaps it's more accurate to say emitting, red velvet. It was shown on the landing walls of the grand stair, and I wish I could have seen it then -
image from here
What remains is a small panel inside a cupboard, the door half open, the inside gloomy - and beside it, the poem written by Ros Barber -


  1. oh wow!! I read the words 'mussel shells lined with velvet red and then gasped when I saw the close-up

    what a stunning piece - why did they take it down??

  2. and speaking as someone who has just been working with kelp - the smell must have been terrific when she was working on it!

  3. I had the self-same thoughts when I saw the remnant at Pallant House a couple of months ago. The poem is tremendous.
