
24 May 2013

Getting out

After an excursion to Cambridge earlier this week to visit the anthropology museum with its many wonderful objects, yesterday's trip was to Chichester. By train of course - past Arundel with its castle -
and once in town, going first to Pallant House for the exhibitions by Kitaj (finishes 16 June) -
The captions were really helpful - so much going on in (and behind) the paintings
Drawn onto panels covered with a sort of gesso - not just lines added, but surface scraped away
Many interesting works in the main collection, including Hearthstone by Andy Goldsworthy -
The weathering on the chalk boulder  was scraped away with a flint
In a cupboard, the mussel shells and velvet, remnants of Susie MacMurray's 2007 installation "Shell" -
After a nice lunch in the restaurant - not in the courtyard alas, because of the intermittent showers - 
a walk through the charming streets to the cathedral -
Daisies furled and unfurled line the path
Inside the north tower
a look round, and home again ... on the slow train.

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