
30 October 2013

Carrying on with the colour dictionary

Having made the folding book of photos of the pages of the dictionary, I started glueing together the "fans" of pages
into a spiral, with disappointing results - it was simply too solid. However, it could be twisted into this sort of thing -
Following the "carry it through to the end" rule of art-making research, I persevered and glued all the pages together -
Cutting out the circles involved lining up the centres, holding it all together, and cutting a circle through all layers, which left something quite interesting -
that was further trimmed to get a snake-like object -
The circle needed its centre opening up so it would behave more like the "snake" -
 I haven't cut enough out of the centre, but it's starting to be more like the graceful spiral I imagined -
 It was seeing the configuration of the cut-off that has given me an idea for another possible configuration -
Now it's a matter of printing out the pages again, and trying again.

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