
10 November 2015

Drawing Tuesday - Science Museum

The "Making the Modern World" gallery would be a great place to draw - it has so many interesting things in it, sometimes to the point of overcrowding. The museum did not have sketching stools, and though there were benches to sit on, they were occupied by a college class, diligently drawing. We either stood or sat on the floor, occasionally overrun by passing hordes of schoolchildren. Ah well, some days are like that...
 I was collecting objects At first, sitting at some distance from the display, I drew from my camera, checking details and amending the drawing later.

Victorian and Edwardian 

1950s and 60s

An eclectic collection, from gas masks to blow torches
 Then it was "sketchbooks on the table" time -

Joyce's spinning frame - Arkwright's water frame, 1775

Janet B's 3D airplane (drawn starting with the windows)
 - it's a Lockheed Model 10 Electra, 1935

A child's orthopaedic corset, and some other implements, by Sue

No 1 steam engine (Stephenson's Rocket) caught Cathy's eye

One of the earliest space capsules, drawn through two layers of Perspex
 (from the upstairs gallery), with her left hand, by Jo
Janet K's blind drawing and further observation of Ramsden's theodolite

Blind drawing and observation of Thomas Savery's engine by Mags
After photographing all those hands holding up the sketchbooks, I just had to photograph these brass hands in an antiquarian bookshop's window -

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