
04 May 2017

International Send Tulips Day

Today, May the 4th [as in: "... be with you"], started with the rather whimsical act of a photo of my current vaseful of tulips to the first email sent -
and somehow the photo also got attached to the next email I wrote, and the next. Suddenly it's International Send Tulips Day! 

Now I must shut down the computer, so here are those tulips for blog readers who don't have an email waiting for a reply.

A little chain reaction has started, as people respond that they are about to send tulips to someone else. Who knows, this little "day" might take on a life of its own. 

I love having tulips at home, and photographing tulips ... here are a few more, as the tulip season draws to an end.
In the tulip vase obtained at Chelsea Craft Fair some 30 years ago

So lovely when they go floppy

So lovely when they don't go floppy

In the jug that came from the Dalhousie art exhibition, nearly 40 years ago
Soaking up the sun in Kew Gardens

In my own little garden - tiny tulips


  1. The tulips are beautiful. I think I told you before that I cannot have tulips in my yard because the deer eat them. I miss not having any so I will just have to enjoy your pictures!

  2. I adore tulips and now have so many photos of them, I think I'll make up a book to look at when waiting for next year's!

  3. oh I wish I could take tulips to somebody, but our tulips are weeks in the past. we had a nice little batch of them, which made me a beautiful vase full. when they got old I asked for a refill but the deer had eaten every one of them overnight.

    now we're into iris, which are beautiful.

  4. I love the photos with the stacks of books in the background. A learned place where nature's beauty briefly resides.
