
05 May 2017

Running late

I try to blog every day - it's part of my "art practice" (hopefully my posts are, and will be, about Art in some form!) and also it's a record of where I've been and seen ... though not in the sorts of details contained in my little black notebooks. 

Tonight I'm running late, having started cooking dinner on return from a pleasant day seeing art and friends - and having eaten in 10 minutes the food that took more than an hour to prepare, we sat around, chatting about this&that, as you do....

So the day is very near its midnight end. Briefly, here's the rest of the day, starting with the exhibition at Raven Row (till 11 June), in Karen's company -
Tent/suit by Lucy Orta
Carrying on, after a quick sandwich, with the "Stitch and Play" workshop in  Selfridges, led by Aimee Betts and Tom of Holland (of darning fame) -
We worked on a grand stitchery of natural-dyed fabrics

My little patch, from underneath
 Heading home via tea and cake at Sylvia's -
Her birthday flowers
Tomorrow, a day of "rocket science" at the Royal Institution - " a one-day introduction to astronautics which assumes absolutely no knowledge of physics, space science or rocket science. A series of excellent presenters will give talks covering the basics of spaceflight starting from “Why can’t we simply fly an aeroplane to orbit?” through to GPS, LEO and even the chances of meeting E.T."

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