
06 September 2017

A walk around the block

Evening - and still 1000 steps needed for the daily quotient! So I took the camera for a walk around the block, in this neighbourhood in which I've lived for more than 30 years. 
Tall, dried, and ... spooky

Old street sign. Nice name; short street

Evershot Road has several "garage doors" which must have led to stables
when the area was first built, in the 1880s

This was a newsagent when my son went to school nearby, with
a sign "Only two children at a time"

The building really was a dairy, with famous murals round the corner

Back on Stroud Green Road, the shops look almost charming by night,
facing the busy strip of restaurants - Indian vegetarian, Vietnamese (x2, both new),
pizza (x2), the pub, the chippy, Mexican

An influx of delis and coffee places - it's even possible to get good bread

The home stretch, on the mostly residential side of the street.
Because I know they're there, I can see my window boxes, beyond
the sadly stricken chestnut trees

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