
05 September 2017

Drawing Tuesday - Holland Park and Design Museum

On the walk through Holland Park toward the Design Museum, it was the zinnias that caught my eye -
 and later thelavender and the sweet peas and ??? in the plantings -
 I had a few (only a few) soluble crayons and pencils, and tried to be free -
 This page pleased me. Although it looks a bit "pretty", it is the result of observation, unconscious placement of elements, and daring colour mixing with my few colours -
 Joyce too was being free and colourful -
 Judith found a compendium of objects in the museum -
 Janet B continues to be captivated by chairs -
 Janet K carefully explored spatial relations of objects -
 Najlaa captured an interior view of the museum's central hall -
 Jo experimented with left-hand and right-hand drawings of the same tree -
 Mags writes more about the Femur Stool on her blog -
 Carol went from the particular to the general in the Japanese garden -
 Extracurricular activities

Carol had taken her sketchbook to Blickling Hall -
Janet K had been out drawing "in the wild" too, at Victorial Park and in Kew Gardens -
... as well as at Cafe Sketchers -

 Mag's train-sewing grows and grows -
 ... and this is how she keeps her threads from rolling off down the carriage -


  1. That is a brilliant idea to carry threads while travelling. Off to find some elasticated cord in my supplies.

  2. The red daisy-like flowers in the second photo are a variety of Rudbeckia or Black-eyed/Brown-eyed Susan or Coneflower.
