
16 January 2018

Drawing Tuesday - Tate Britain

In the "big hall" were some sculptures chosen by Rachel Whiteread, whose work was on show nearby. I'd spotted Barry Flanagan's rope on a previous visit - its complexity, amid the simplicity of the columns, is so enticing -
In the background, works by Richard Deacon and Linda Benglis
I started with that crack in the floor and then struggled with the rope.
Looked a lot, erased a lot, redrew a lot ...
Janet K drew Richard Deacon's "For Those who have Ears" -

Janet B, still using her large square sketchbook, found a Henry Moore -

 Carol was captivated by the frame of "the Ophelia painting" - she'd noticed a little lever on the inside that allowed the painting to be removed or replaced -
 Sue got a good angle on Jacob Epstein's "Torso" -
 Joyce went after some Whiteread castings (under a chair, inside a hot water bottle) and that Linda Benglis's "Quartered Meteor" -
Having seen what Whiteread did with flattened packaging, Joyce used her own materials (eg sweet wrappers from xmas) -
Also on the extracurricular front, Janet K has been drawing some of her little treasures, including a thimble case her son brought back from a school trip to China when he was 12 -

1 comment:

  1. it was so lovely to see these images after our visit. rope is a big favourite of mine, dont you just want to hold it??
