
15 January 2018

Litter picking, Hammersmith

The lively dog was having some difficulty getting over the awkward wall to go and frisk beside the water and I was about to find out why.
He managed eventually - and then it was our turn to get over the wall - it was surprisingly difficult. This little triangle was the site for a Thames foreshore cleanup -
 Thames21 supplied bags, litter-picker sticks, gloves, wellies, and we set to -
The polystyrene was disintegrating into ever-smaller pieces, and endless process; there was no need to move from one spot, but it would have taken quite a while to fill a bag with this pernicious stuff -
 And it seemed that no matter how much went into the bags, there would always be more still on the ground -
 After an hour, quite a few bags were full -
Plastic bottles needed to be counted before being bagged up -
 With the rubbish cleared, it was into the pub for a bit of socialising -
 after which I walked along the Thames Path for a short while -
These sessions happen every month, depending on the times of the tides. The foreshore doesn't "belong" to any of the London boroughs, or other organisation, so it's volunteers keeping the rubbish levels down.

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