
29 January 2018

Forgotten and rediscovered

Gradually, bag after bag - but not day after day, the timing is sporadic - some of the Things Left In Corners are getting sorted. Today, a bagful went to the charity shop, and half a bagful went into the bin. 

This little bowl went to the charity shop and of course, now, at this very moment, I wish I'd kept it - but hey, what use is it, those pins really get in the way! In a few hours it'll be forgotten again.
Next, an assortment of items that will go into a "sort again later" bag. Though the wrapped sweeties (rock) are probably about 20 years old and will have to go in the bin. They're a cute little piece of advertising - the lettering is the name of a website, from back in the days when websites were a bit of a novelty.
The weathered piece of wood from a beach somewhere; the turned-wood light pull; the two defunct pound coins ... some of the little things that wouldn't be missed, and perhaps are precious for precisely that reason. (The little box is full of earplugs - from back in the days when the neighbours were musicians and would come home from a gig at 3.30 am and get out the guitars....)

From among the bits of jewellery that went to the charity shop I rescued this simple bracelet -
It's made from medical tubing, some sort of sturdy plastic, joined with a little metal tube. I'd been wondering where it got to - and as if by magic, here it is!

1 comment:

  1. I have my own stuff in the corners that needs sorted, but there is nothing in the piles that is interesting as what you found. If I could just get all the trim pieces painted then I could make some headway and turn the living room back into a living room instead of a workshop. With it still being cold the living room is the only place large enough to do the painting. Once the painting is done I can work on those things that collect in the corners!
