
28 January 2018

On with the woodblock printing

These were printed in class last week, from a combination of two blocks -
Next step is to add some smaller marks. But what, and how? I played around with possibilities on tracing paper -
 Print the circles but not the holes -
 Print the marks, cut the rest away -
 With any luck, they'll combine -
 Cutting is tricky - a couple of the shapes have fallen off (blame the glue in the plywood)  and it's all to easy to catch a corner when clearing the background -
I'm working at the kitchen table rather than in the studio -
This enigmatic print has been hanging on my wall for years, and suddenly I noticed it anew. The combination of colours and the layering takes on a whole new meaning -
It came from a sale bin in a framing shop in Port Coquitlam, about 15 years ago. I know nothing about the artist....

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