
13 January 2018

"Just looking"

After yesterday's dispiriting trip into town to (maybe) get a book, today's trip into town was unexpected and fun. Tagging along as Tom and Gemma tracked down a few purchase possibilities.

In and out of the shops we went, me with just a camera in hand. Lots of lovely things to see... but nothing I wanted to take home.

At Liberty's -

The fabric department

Old furniture and things that look best in groups

Jolly wooden bowls

Jolly pots
 ... and a series of "faces everywhere" - mostly ceramic -

 At Selfridges  ...
Artwork by Hugo McCloud - the polythene sacks have been used by waste pickers in the Philippines;
the installation "plays on the concepts of waste, value, sculpture and ... the sublime beauty of boxing"

Appealing stonewear made by Danish company Broste

 Then on to Anthropologie -

Staplers, yes, but not pleasant to use...

The bag to have "on hand" when you're expecting trouble....

Living greenery and sleek staircase
Hoping this video will work - it's a case of puzzling asymmetry, or is it symmetry? -

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