
12 January 2018

Walking research

A quick trip to Stanfords, the map shop, to research the proposed walk along the Camino de Santiago.

The Camino starts off in the mountains - lovely map, scary terrain! -
 There's a (top) shelf full of books, but even lifting my head to look at them brought on dizziness -
 This one seems to be definitive, updated annually -
And this book, by Rene Freund, was available - one man's account of the journey. But I bought nothing at this point. Still mulling.


  1. I would love to do the Camino, my daughter did it in her gap year and loved it. Have you watched the film "The Way"?

  2. Pop over to Flora The Explora, a blog by a brilliant young writer and traveller. You may have to hunt a bit but she did this a few years ago and wrote some lovely blog posts about the adventure.
