
31 May 2018

Poetry Thursday - a found poem, The Planets

MACE-5 Armillary Sphere 1708 Antique Celestial Maps.jpg
The Planets (23 March 2018)

With Mercury entering its rewind phase
    you could make important decisions;

With Mercury turning retrograde
    this could be an opportunity to take stock;

With Mercury turning backwards
    your emotions can fluctuate;
This current phase can coincide with frustrating delays.

An awkward angle involving convivial Venus and intensive Pluto
    suggests you might not want to go ahead;
Other factors could also strengthen your resolve.

With harmonious Venus forging an awkward angle with potent Pluto
    you could come across as being too pushy.

With the moon angling towards dreamy Neptune
    you could be open to others' feelings;
There is a possibility of confusion.

Things may not go as planned.

Holding a discussion could improve a relationship;
Look to any experiences from your past that could come in handy.

I found this poem in "Metroscope", the horoscope section of Metro free newspaper, 23 March 2018. Each star sign has contributed one or more lines.

Found poetry is a slippery concept! Chunks of scientific text, and parts of the speeches of public figures, have been used as found poetry.

For me, it's the choice and/or rearrangement of words and phrases (especially (re)juxtaposition and chopping up the lines) and the subsequent rethinking-upon-rereading that makes found poetry a compelling form of writing. It's like collage - the elements are there to hand, all you need to do is rearrange them into a pattern that gives the viewer or reader a new perception.

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