
27 November 2018

Drawing Tuesday

This creature wasn't found at the Wellcome - Jo brought him along for another purpose and then decided to draw him, fangs and all -
 Sue found this wonderful structure, complete with shadows -
 Janet B couldn't resist a comfy chair -
or the baby in a glass box -
 Mags' eye baths and snow goggles in their case -
 Two intrepid renderings of glassware (and symmetry) -

Janet K
I was recovering from a whallop of all the side-effects of the flu vaccine, and sat limply in the foyer and, eyes closed, constructed a "soundscape" of ambient noise and (eyes open) diddled about with the ceiling-hung Mr Gormley. Then I was lured to the cafe and produced a wispy rendition of a "Wellcome" cup of coffee -
 Extra-curricular activities -
Carol had been drawing at the seaside

Mags had been to a textiles workshop in Puglia

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