
28 November 2018

Woodblock Wednesday

Getting set up to print, and mixing a nice grey
Maybe not all that nice a grey!

Using a short block to print a long strip - careful with the overlap!
Last week was the last class of term, so we had a look at what everyone had done -

For the next three Wednesdays I'll be doing the advanced course, and I've signed up for next term too. But doing a "proper" print isn't really on my agenda. It's the process, the cutting and the colour combinations and abstract possibilities - and the simple use of humble materials - that draw me to this way of working.

1 comment:

  1. Each person's work is so different! I love the boldness of yours, the leaves are stunning, and that feather is so beautiful. I am looking at the work thru my eyes that see how great the print would look on fabric.
