
02 March 2019

Studio Saturday - just popping in

After a long absence from Studio 6, and knowing I wouldn't have time to do any "work" there just yet, I went back to collect the contributions for Ruth's fundraiser for Medecins Sans Frontieres at the end of the month.

The ceramics were thoroughly bubble-wrapped and packed into my trolley -
 including an initial selection of my own -
These didn't fit and will have to be packed up and go another time -
 What's left is this rearrangement -
By Easter I hope to have some new ideas for experimentation, and after Easter I'm aiming to fill the little kiln now and then, taking forward my little idea* of once-fired porcelain with texture and/or marks.

*Every now and then I have to remind myself of what my focus is. Within this, there are plenty of possibilities in terms of subject matter and even slight divergence in process.

1 comment:

  1. they look so good arranged with the backlight of the window
