
03 March 2019

Woodn't you know...

What was meant to be the floor of the living room - but when it arrived, we didn't like it, toooo many knots - is being put on ebay, at last. I'd happily give it away, all 20 square metres of Canadian maple - it's been blocking access to my books for a couple of years now, but it does give me an excuse (if one were needed) to procrastinate doing anything major about the studio.

I was told by my Resale Mastermind to take 12 photos and send them to him, and he'd do the rest. This"little" task involved turfing half the contents of the studio out into the hall, to make room for a "clear" shot. Grr. And then ... how to get twelve different photos??

The camera may have sensed my desperation because it took a few photos all by itself ....

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