
09 April 2019

Drawing Tuesday - Whitewebbs Transport Museum

The train to Crew's Hill (north of Enfield) and then a walk past a plethora of garden centres

brought us to the amazing Whitewebbs Museum of Transport, open only on Tuesdays and usually the last Sunday of the month. Once a pumping station, it's run by volunteers and there's a small admission charge.
The four floors of the museum are packed with anything and everything to do with transport, including ice skates, dollies in prams,

an enormous collection of toy buses red and green

motorcycles and bicycles

toy cars
lots of signs from bygone days

some chilling reminders
and strange scenarios

 and, hmm, a fluffy cat in a basket on a rocking chair in the WW2 section -
Now to the drawing.

This caught my eye - all those diagonals -

 Najlaa found an AA badge and a 1930s pram -
 ue discovered that this scooter was nicknamed "little ant" and made by Moto Rumi in 1954; it was meticulously restored before being given to the museum -
 Judith reconstructed the reconstruction of a 1940s "general store" -
 Carol found some automobile necessities -
 Janet K found a 1966 donkey bike - collapsible, with reversible handlebars -

 Extracurricular activities

Judith has been playing with digitally converting photographs to drawings - we were amazed that these were printouts from her ipad -

1 comment:

  1. The places you have to visit seems to be endless! That sure is an interesting museum.
