
08 April 2019

Projected projects

After a busy weekend at the "tea and textiles" sale of artwork in aid of MSF, it's somewhat strange to have the entire day stretching, empty, ahead. And this Monday is off to a gloomy, rainy start...
Wandering round the sewing studio with coffee in hand I immediately dug up some projects, or rather, they suddenly jumped into view.

First project: continuing with (goodness, perhaps finishing!) a travel-bag - red handles for the Central Line -
Second, gathering fabrics for a cushion cover
to add to this collection (ignore the sleeping baby, it's the fabrics we're looking at) -
On consideration, the search for the right fabrics needs to continue. The cover is needed because the current one has words on it (very annoying, seeing the same vapid words day after day). All that's needed is some "ethnic" fabric to cover those words.

The project has changed - find some blue(ish) fabric to applique onto the existing cover, over the words.

Third project is to use this bit of applique, made last century but it keeps hanging around ... I don't know why I can't bring myself to put it into the bin ....
It never did get turned into a Bookwrap, but with a bit of piping and something plain on the back, it could become a small rectangular pillow, useful for the neck or for the small of the back. 

Fourth project is to gather fabric scraps and wadding scraps to stuff it with. Actually, that thought makes me feel rather tired!

Two ongoing projects also beckon - sock knitting (not done much of that lately) and the fabric pots. It's time to get back to the ceramics studio.

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