
30 March 2021

Drawing Tuesday - a film still

Some film stills inspired by famous paintings are here.

How to capture a still, for reference purposes, from youtube or a video? 
Use the Pause button, and then Print Screen. Open your photo editing program
and copy (Ctl+V) the image into it, then you can save or print it.
From Carol I had a lot of fun with this, and then at home we thought of loads of others  and it started a family discussion. (Resident Teasel – horticultural apocalypse, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Test – an exam psycho thriller, Sars Attacks – a medical drama, I could go on…..)

From Ann - A very disturbing still from the film Cabinet of Dr Caligari...German Expressionism... The sharp angles, contrasts, tones and subject matter all suggesting a dark period of history. 

From Sue K - found on Youtube :- Kate Bush - Among Angels . Animated by Michael Dudok de Wit called ‘Father & Daughter’

From Mags - Inspired by  Harald Smykla’s ‘Movie Protocols’  at Saatchi Draw Fair May 2019 (pictographic shorthand notations of films drawn in real time, I particularly enjoyed  his rendering of Wallace and Gromit Curse of the Were Rabbit)

I  watched Wallace and Gromit ‘ A matter of Loaf and Death’ on iplayer, drawing frames at minute intervals and then a larger version of my favourite

From Joyce -Grandchildren Thomas and Emily walking along a fallen tree in Wandle Park a couple of years ago, from a video I took in August '18. 

Second attempt at grandchildren Thomas and Emily on the fallen tree at Wandle Park, inspired by Shirley Hughes’ sketches of children in an egg and spoon race in the book “Dogger”. 

From Janet K - The Third Man. Playing with chalk pastels.

From Judith - From me a Citylit class aeons ago asked for an intervention to a well known artist’s drawing or painting.

‘A think and a drink’ Hopper Drawing -

The intervention -

From Gill - Who can forget The Birds?

From Jo - from memory!

From me -  from one of the many youtube clips from Broadway Melody, this is Fred Astaire and the amazing Eleanor Powell caught between frames (double the number of feet!) dancing the glittering mirrored set to Begin the Beguine - hair flying, trousers flapping, and skirt floating -

The 6B pencil used for the background leaves a shine somewhere, no matter how the paper is positioned, and the 8H pencil used for the figures is rather faint. Worked on tracing paper, over a printout.

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