
23 March 2021

Drawing Tuesday - Jewellery

Being without internet (changeover to a different provider) left me stranded to find images of jewellery in art - but my goodness, surely painting at least is rife with jewellery! 

From Carol -  A chance to look at something everyday in real detail –

From Mags - this gorgeous  Brazilian Onyx  box  given to me by a participant  from an orchid training workshop I taught in Mexico.  One drawing is sort of a continuous  line in pencil, the other is scraffito overlaid with graphite and then use of Tombow eraser . I then got carried away drawing individual earrings with 0.1 UniPin pen.

From Janet B - I could happily draw necklaces every week and here is one of my favourites.

From Janet K - 3 favourite brooches. The birds are paper mache on card made by Edori Fertig. The frogs are a copy of pre-Columbian gold frogs.

From Gill - Last year I did an observational drawing of my bowl of jewellery so this time I have painted elements of my jewellery and imagined them as planets and space junk in orbit.

From Joyce - Necklace bought in Murano in 2006 while on holiday with my daughter. Colour pencils.

From Judith - Negative spaces with Procreate

From Sue K -  I got into making jewellery from found pieces - this is a necklace made from left over silk from a dress l made. I made a tube & filled it at intervals with wood (knotted apart) & telephone wire wound round the gaps between.

From Jo - "a doodle" and an amber necklace -

From me - faut de mieux, a blast from the past - mid-90s. The first collage came from a thick magazine with a special section on glitzy jewellery -
It was the start of something I still enjoy doing - namely, using just one magazine for the materials for a project.

That led to a close look at the lights and darks in cut stones -
and then to a further collage, with more glitzwear -
Perhaps a bit too busy ... it reached the tippling point once the wine bottles got in there, and glassware is the theme of most of the rest of the sketchbook. I'm not too sure that most of those "jewels" weren't glass...

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