02 July 2009

Tis the season

Up and down my shopping street, watermelon is selling for 79p a kilo. There's a wholesaler on another road not too far away, on the 91 bus route, at this time of year has the shop constantly full of huge wire baskets heaped with melons, baskets stretching deep into the shop and spilling out onto the street, so much green roundness full of sweet red flesh. Sometimes you see the huge trucks (from Greece, Turkey) unloading.

1 comment:

béatrice décoratrice, de Lausanne. said...

Hello Mane. Here it is the cherries season. So many this year. There is a tree, on the field,beside my atelier.I got the permission from the oner, who is the same tham my studio. *He says* cames and pik up cherries before the birds eat them all. Impossible... so many, we can share with them. I tell them * stay on top of the tree while I pik up in the bottom. But they don't listen to me. I think, nex veek, when I came back from the gold panning competition, it will have none complete cherries.Same photos on my blog
