The travelogue shows I was late arriving at class - got off the tube at 10.01, and class is supposed to start at 10 - and there's still the escalators to run up, the street to cross, the lifts at City Lit to wait for. Got there in the end, and tried to figure out what to do next with the FMP (final major project). And the SOI (statement of intent), which needs to be finalised in the next day or two.Jo had printed out some wonderful photos of adobe houses -
and a Dogon granary - what a wonderful ladder -
as well as this brick field, a great example of mark making, and contrast -
I'd torn this out of one of my stock of art magazines that are gradually getting recycled -
and this as well, Lucio Fontana's work, which led me to make a worksheet of slashes and punctures, using the seam ripper and bradawl that happened to be in my bulging pencil case -Intending to photograph that worksheet just now, I realised it was either left in the classroom or lost on the way home.
In the library at lunchtime I looked at a very interesting book called Installation Art, published in 1994 (quite a few years ago). These illusionary steps (by David Dye) are made of string and ultraviolet light.
David Dye teaches at Northumbria University - his film "Two Cameras" sounds simple yet fascinating: "The Two Cameras which give David Dye's work its title perform alternate leapfrogging actions as they pursue the same course across a floor. Despite the simplicity of this idea, the image which results as the films are projected side by side presents a complex spatial experience."
Is that something I'm after in my FMP, a complex spatial experience? Every purposefully encountered or casually overheard phrase is likely to get questioning (and questing) scrutiny until the FMP is resolved and the final show is up - eight weeks to go.
1 comment:
Time to.... got Mahaloula influence. he probably have done a *voyage* to Syria !
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