24 August 2021

Drawing Tuesday - five years ago

This drawing group has been going for more than five years, so perhaps it's a good time to revisit those "early drawings" as a starting point, or even to re-draw something that still captures your imagination. (There are various accounts of "redrawing my entire first sketchbook" available on youtube etc - I haven't watched any, the sheer length of most of them is so offputting! - correction: I have now fast-forwarded through some of them, and what is striking is not the increase in skill of execution but the reassessment of what needs changing.)

Another approach to the topic is to look back five years - what was going on in the world, in your life? Photos? Memories? Sort of a "this day in history"...

Drawing of history, drawing as history, take your pick. And on the other hand, some things never change, so if you feel like drawing flowers, go for it!

From Janet KHere's one I made earlier. 5 years ago I spent the summer in Salford working on a kid's TV program, The Furchester Hotel, a co-production between the BBC and Sesame Street. The half star hotel was run by a family of monsters. The set designer cleverly incorporated monster motifs into the set including the brocade wall paper. I did this cross stitch of a wallpaper detail as a present for the line producer.

From Sue Kbefore & after pics of my work in glass fusion @ Mary Ward Centre. Interesting effects with the glue patterns on the ‘before’ pic.

From Ann - These pieces I created during the Edam course at City Lit in 2016. My heart wasn't really in it as my husband was very ill in hospital.  We got through it thank goodness ...NHS were amazing. So we are forever grateful... indeed. 

From Jo - Five years ago I went to the Isle of Man on a tour to look at archaeology. The photos have disappeared - in an IT crisis some years ago - but the memory is of a storm on the return journey. It was actually daytime, and a mere 45 minutes of ploughing through a "front" in the Irish Sea, but this is how I remember it! 

From Judith - Five years ago I was playing around with weaving and there was, of course, that vote.

From Mags - 5 years ago it was my first visit to the Petrie Museum, what a glorious place (http://magsramsay.blogspot.com/2016/08/drawing-tuesday-pots-at-petrie.html), I miss it most of all the museums.

From Janet B - Five years ago this week I was on a quilting retreat in the Lickey Hills to the west of Birmingham where I learnt how to make this simple curved block. I’ve made several quilts using it.

From Gillian - Just looked at my photos taken in Mexico City where I explored for 6 weeks, then spent 2 weeks in Cuba. So glad I had that experience when I could.
I remember spending ages deciding what to buy from this lady.
The challenge for me today was to draw her without using colour!

From Joyce -  here are two barrels drawn at the Museum of  London in Docklands in August 16.

From Najlaa - Five years ago at Margaret house i draw the plate with this lovely bird.

From me - A little over five years ago, 7 June 2016, the drawing group came to "my domestic museum". I chose to draw Tony's "captain's chair", one of two that were equally wobbly and never sat in. Five years later I set out to redraw it, replacing the blanket by some guesswork and carefully straightening up the perspective. The chair on the left was no longer "wonky" but it lost all its joie de vivre! The new chair looked very small and overwhelmed by the space around it (sort of a metaphor for that strange time, alone in the house, I suppose) so I got busy adding research thumbnails off the internet, to fill the page.

 At this point I feel I can draw a captain's chair with my eyes closed. 

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