21 October 2022

Chair du semaine

 Judy and I agreed to draw something every week, but what - ok, a chair. There's always a chair around somewhere, waiting to be drawn. 

Armchair Traveller
A little book made with maps of different floors of
the V&A - I couldn't find an old atlas to cut up. A good
museum is comparable to an exotic trip

Book of the chair
It's tiny and I wasn't careful about fitting the
chair on the page. Perhaps should have persevered
and put some part of a chair on all pages...

In Aladdin's Cafe [cave, geddit?]
The coffee shop has an "antique" shop attached - actually
the antique shop was there first, and the cafe was added. The 
chairs and tables change regularly. I'd just has flu and booster
jabs, and used the info leaflet to draw on 

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