This hit my inbox along with some even grislier "extreme knitting" - lots of knitted "blood" oozing from unfortunate wounds, that sort of thing -

It brought to mind the subversive garments knit by
Freddie Robins, like these gloves inspired by Struwwelpeter - the story of the boy who sucked his thumb until the scissors-man came and cut it off.

You can get the pattern for these on the V&A's
website, which also has other knitting information. (Or, use red mohair to darn the holes in your existing gloves.)
Hi Margaret. Hope you don't mind, but I forwarded the photo of the rabbit to my DD2 who is just starting to learn to knit. I know she'll find it as hilarious as I do. Quite the funniest thing I've seen in weeks!
Another one for your gruesome collection -
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