"When you do an action how pure is that action? Do you just get on with it or are there all sorts of additional intentions which make the action more complicated than it needs to be?" asks business coach Mark Forster in his latest newsletter and on
his blog. I had to read to the end of the post before the penny dropped: sometimes the reason it's hard to start -- or get on with -- a project is that we load it with so many other agendas and expectations that we get paralysed at the thought of failing in any or all of them.
A clear, simple goal is needed: just to DO it, not to worry about whether it will be the best ever, whether Teacher will like it, whether it will impress your friends. Get drawing, painting, sewing; carry on, finish. Enjoy the process, let the outcome take care of itself. Focus on the doing.
Hmm, what sort of picture shall we use for this? Water calligraphy?

... or, going with the flow?
I think that's why I prefer to break down my projects or other stuff I'm going to do into smaller bite-sized tasks which are positive encouragement to get onto the next bit.
I like that brush!
AAIIEEHH!! That picture of the kayaker does not say go with the flow to me. It embodies all my fears that paralyzes me and keep me from taking the next step!
Sometimes I can push all those expectations aside and "purely do it" while other times I'm right back to all those little voices that hold me back, all those agendas and expectations. I've been doing that last bit with my current piece, and have to keep reminding myself to just do SOMETHING on it. Sure enough, as soon as I do, the next step just flows.
Thanks for the reminder.
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