03 December 2009

More constructive procrastination

After yesterday's success with tidying just one shelf, a sequel seemed called for. The worktop still isn't clear enough to accommodate A1-sized sheets of paper, so I turned on the radio and got going. This is the "before" picture -Of course some forgotten treasures emerged. This little embroidery was done with sewing thread on zillion-to-the-inch canvas, back when my eyesight was better -
The framed label from a bolt of fabric made in China dates from about 1982, but the cards, by Sian Fenwick, are more recent -
Several little embroidered ethnic purses -
and in one of them, these minutely-stitched fantasy landscapes; they date back to early in the millennium -
The button jar, where I collect spare buttons and those from recycled clothing, is getting rather full -
Now there are four shelves in a reasonable state of tidyness - and the work surface is largely bare -
I threw out a lot of paper, things printed off the internet in 2004, for example (gosh that was five years ago) - but haven't purged those blue folders full of pages torn from magazines - that's a job for a rainy day.

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