24 March 2011

Digital literature

Food for thought - the quote of the day comes from the diapsalmata blog:

"When language dons the dress of design, as it must online, its visual component starts to signify, to make meaning. Of course, written language always has a livery -- we just don't tend to notice it much when it's the utilitarian sweatsuit of Times New Roman text on an 8.5"x11" page. On the web, though, the decoration of links is necessary for navigation. "

And once you decorate the links ... there's no knowing what will happen next ...

What font are you reading (or writing) in?


Cate Rose said...

I use Garamond 14 pt on my email signature, italicized, in teal.

Kathleen Loomis said...

can't do it on my blog, but everywhere else I use Palatino -- arguably the world's greatest typeface. Hermann Zapf, you are the greatest.