19 March 2011


This "sky birds" piece has two starting points:
-the crumpled brown paper that was in the large-paper drawer - it got me crumpling a smaller piece of rough but thin grey paper - it developed small holes
-the waxing of the brown tissue paper yesterday for the "sea whispers" book
A lot of wax was ironed out of yesterday's book, and the newsprint used to absorb it was still in the bin - so I got it out to see if the waste wax would transfer to this paper. (But first I blobbed it a bit with ink.)
Not much wax transferred back, but there was a candle lying to hand, so I drew on the paper with the candle and then ironed the wax in - distinct marks! tooo distinct, they need obliterating -- more candle, more ironing. When the paper was hot, the candle melted then & there - and by using the length, rather than the end, of the candle, you can get speedy coverage. Best of all -- there's no excess wax to iron out. I shall be using the candle technique again.

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