28 August 2019

Woodblock Wednesday - holiday weekend project, not finished yet

Once I figured out that only four blocks would be needed, it fell into place -
 And there was a board on hand that could hold all four, so the tracing started -
 and the carving went on apace
 as I sat for hours by the window, listening to, and making lists of, podcasts -

 as the shavings accumulated -
 careful outlines emerged -
 Done! (Note the useful wood glue in its practical dispenser) -

 Then came the printing. It was distressing to see that the board had warped - it had been left soaking too long -
 Bendy ...
 and I used horrible colours...
 and even forgot to add colour, printed the red just with nori! Some colour got picked up so I printed the other blocks just with nori too.
 The "best" print but you can see the registration of the red is waaaay off...
 Despite the danger to this delicate section, I printed the outlines before gluing it down -
 And even before soaking the block, I took several rubbings for colouring-in to figure out possible colours - really liked the results, so my actual prints were/are a bit of a disappointment.
 With the registration sorted, the block flat again (sprayed not soaked), nice paper, and subtle colours strongly applied, it will work out eventually.

Meanwhile I'm enjoying the brushes and small chisels in one of my "travel lines" toolrolls -
 For the Wednesday printing session I revisited the circles -
 and at the end of the day (literally) printed out some simple bokashi and a couple of grids. They'll be paler when they dry -

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