07 August 2019

Woodblock Wednesday - irons in the fire

I was bowled over by the exhibition of Naoko Matsubara's work at the Ashmolean (till 2 October) - she lives in Canada and has given a collection of work from her 50+ years of printmaking to the museum. Munakata was her mentor in the 1970s, but this collage of prints is an example of her recent work -
So much exciting work to muse on... Several days later I'd drawn some Korean-inspired stuffed shapes, with a view to making a woodblock print - 
I couldn't resist a bit of colouring-in, but essentially it awaits development -

Also I added sky - or snowy mountains, depending on how you look at it - to the postcard prints started last week -
The large cards didn't take the "ink" well, so in today's printing session I added a bit of bokashi. Seeing all four with that brownish strip just plonked on makes me feel more than ever that my efforts here are kak-handed, but I'm not sure what I would or could have done differently. However, singly they don't look so bad ...
Today's session also saw the emergence of "Eclipsellipticality" (or possibly "Elipticlipticality", based on the recent partial eclipse of the moon, which I finally finished cutting (it's small - 8cm high). The first layer (midnight blue) was looking good
 but got obscured by the purplish darkness of the subsequent layer (you could say it was, er, eclipsed...) -
I can see a few things to improve but would rather start all over with this one. The geometry has gone wrong somehow...

All next week I'll be doing a summer school in Chinese woodblock printing. Will it be different from the Japanese methods? I shall try not to let my bad habits get in the way of following the tutor's instructions!

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