05 February 2020

Woodblock Wednesday - lining things up

Just when I thought I might almost be ready to print, a proof of the blocks cut so far caused me utter confusion - why weren't they lining up?
 I made temporary kentos with masking tape and moved them around again and again -
 ... and then decided to wait till help was nearby.

So, in class I took a methodical approach, using rubbings. First the key block several times, then add each of the  other blocks separately -
It seems that the half-block (green and blue - not the final colours) is the one that needs recutting.

Another block with more pots needed cutting first, and I got started right away. I'd taken some of the stripes out of the key block and put some stripes back into this final block -

Just a little cutting left on that block. Hoping to print next week - I'll do all the layers on one print at a time, in case the registration still needs adjusting.

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