Back in 1995, when Tony and I were travelling back and forth from Stroud Green Road to Wrentham Avenue in his rattly, beloved Suzuki, I started a project (in some textiles course or other) documenting the journey. First were the photographs, and some "mood drawings" and prints -

Next stage - mapping, a travelogue including the points of interest. Monoprints (on envelopes that had been sent to us) incorporating map symbols -
More textured papers, intended for I no longer remember what; and the almost-final product, the boxes, made of photocopied maps at various enlargements, with a photocopy (this is the pre-digital era!) of the relevant photograph in the bottom. The boxes go inside each other, and I also made other boxes of handmade paper and various painted papers (and maps) soaked in melted wax -
To get this into the realm of stitch, there was an attempt to make a layered, textured "thing" -
The moths found the woolly bits and added another layer of history.

It's tempting to resurrect this project for my current course, and I'm curious as to how different-yet-basically-the-same it would be....