The sky was already getting light - a lavender sort of effect - when I hit the studio this morning. The studio faces southeast and has a big window. A few minutes later it looked like this, and I went to find the camera -

but when it got a bit lighter, the camera couldn't cope with both the extra light and the getting the focus -

In between jumping up to look at the light show, I sat at the (clear!) workbench carrying out my usual morning practice -- un-writing those morning pages written so many years ago, while getting my daily dose of music (something I realised had gone missing from my life) -

The spotty bits are a stamp that has lots of rubbery points - dipped in diluted (permanent) ink, the dots obscure the writing sufficiently and make the un-writing (re-writing? over-writing?) go more quickly - I do seem to be in a hurry to move on from all this moaning! It's good to come across an account of a dream; I usually write those down in my current notebook.
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