The main purpose of Tuesday's seminar was to get moving on the catalogue for the final show - September will soon be upon us, or on the full-timers at least! Les got out the catalogues from the previous shows - such an interesting variety - and discussed some general principles: purpose, audience, content, format, alternatives, budget....

Among the catalogues from past shows were this foldy one -

another in which each person had their own page; this person put a negative in the envelope, which would degrade each time it was brought out into the light -

Part of this large poster was a list of 10 books Stephen Bury (who recently curated
this book exhibition at Chelsea space) would have made if he'd been on the course -

Another poster, with one example of each person's work -

The seminar also included briefings about the mid-point review (in which the full timers put out their work and everyone comments on it) and the research essay.
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