Before rescuing the big moon, or starting another, I need to see what the real moon looks like where better to look than the
Astronomy Picture of the Day archive -- here are 20 full moons:

And who would have thought that the moon was so colourful? It's all thanks to Photoshop -- the how-to directions are

But for a purely artistic take on the moon, check out
Bob Adams' quilts, like this detail:

Back to the drawing board...
The moon is always beautiful, no matter which vue we have to her... I like how Bob Adam quilt her.
Margaret, Thanks for giving out my web address. I have had many people come see it from your blog. I will be at the Festival of Quilts in August teaching in the Virtual Studio and I will also have a gallery show. I am planning on having some of my Lunar Series quilts there. I hope you can come up and see them. Thanks again.
Bob Adams
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