Apart from being a good shape and size for the purpose, and having lovely colours in its simple decoration, the jug brings back memories of stumbling on an art studio in Crouch End with Lisa and Daphne, back in the days before everything there became either a trendy shop or a trendy restaurant. Well not quite everything - it does have a library and washing machine repairer.
And Margaret, I also feel your pain at losing yur little crock! It's 5 AM and the tow truck did indeed just call and you are the only one I know who is up. But today is all new and shiny, so perhaps both of us will remain trouble-free for a few hours. BTW, it looks like you might have had a rock in the last batch of salad dressing!
Yes, rock salt! Try not to be so vigorous in future and stop doing the body building/weight lifting.
Beautiful works, could you put a translator in your blog? Regards from Spain.
I love your tangents and glimpses into your life and London. I lived in squalour in a bedsit in Crouch End in 1986/87 - drafty with a coin-fed electricity metre & shared bath down the hall also with a dangerous coin-fed gas water heater. 6" deep tepid bath anyone? Aaaaah the good old days.
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