From Richard - I’ve kept it simple, sketching shells we (but mostly Sue) have collected on our travels. Simple pencil outlines to make me plunge into watercolour to loosen up. Both pieces are rather lazy but I did enjoy it a lot.
From Sue S - I began with an assembly of pebbles l’d combed from beaches. The result felt rather dull, so l & turned to studying a broken shell, purely enjoying shapes & then shadows when the sun popped out.
From Najlaa -
From Sue B - I love shells…and have collected from many locations over the years and have them in an alabaster dish on the side of my bath…the scallop shells are from the isle of Arran…the largest ones are from the beach near Dunbar.
I have tried for the first time with coloured crayon wash as well as pencil
From Ann - A 'sunburst' collage of shells completed some time ago in Mauritius and two watercolours of large and small shells just finished. It was a great joy to look again at my huge shell collection and also to quietly study them.

From Mags - A few characterful stones from my extensive collection. When the Henry Moore exhibition was at Kew Gardens, there was a selection of animal bone, flints, shells, pebbles and driftwood from his studio on display : found objects from the earth, returned to the landscape as sculpture.
I used a limited palette of watercolour: mainly Raw Sienna, Burnt Umber, French Ultramarine with a touch of Alizarin Crimson for the ' holey' one.
From Sylvia - Fragments dug up from gardens with new Schmincke watercolours!
From Janet B - I’ve been following the water colour discussions with interest although I don’t have any water colour paints myself. But then it’s taken me five years to start using coloured pencils so give me time. However a while back my WI had an art session and so here is my one and only water colour (plus 2B) and a chalk sketch.
From Gillian - Using pencil, crayons and gouache and edited
From Carol - From North Norfolk beaches – shells, gorse sticks and hag stones with holes to keep the witches away! A first attempt by me at using gouache – tricky but I enjoyed it.
From Judith - 40 years ago I polished stones and I have just spent an hour playing with them! Then a very broad interpretation of sticks, bark from neighbourhood trees.
From Joyce - a shell (don’t remember from where) sketched with ink, and a bag made from a previous drawing. One side is free machine embroidery and the other side appliqué with Kaffe Fassett scraps.
From Janet K - A rock and pottery shards found by my kids mud-larking on the shore of the Thames. Pencil and Neocolour - water-soluble wax pastels.
From Jo - "Flintfoot" - collage of a sculpture made by me from a flint pebble with a hole in and a random hedge-cutting found c.50 years ago
"Titanic" - sculpture made by me a few months ago: flint pebble, driftwooed (cleat from a boat?) and random hedge-clipping
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