21 September 2021

Drawing Tuesday - holiday at home

 In Britain, we go on holiday - across the pond, they go on vacation. 

An American holiday is "a day set aside by custom or by law on 
which normal activities, especially business or work including school, 
are suspended or reduced. Generally, holidays are intended to allow 
individuals to celebrate or commemorate an event or tradition of cultural 
or religious significance." We have some of those too, as well as the rather 
arbitrary Bank Holidays.

"Home" - what's that? 
  1. 1.
    the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.
    "the floods forced many people to flee their homes"
    dwelling place
  2. 2.
    an institution for people needing professional care or supervision.
    "an old people's home"
Also -
"A home is a place of refuge. A person's most personal belongings are kept in a home and it's where a person feels safe and accepted. A home tells a story and expresses a person or family's interests. To create a home requires an emotional connection and sense of belonging, not physical things."

Perhaps you can't do without "going on holiday" - to seek excitement, 
or peace; diversion or relaxation. Being somewhere else, away from 
home, can be so magical. 

Perhaps it feels like a holiday when the pace of "ordinary life" slows 
down, and nothing is required of you; time to relax. On the other hand, having 
kids home for  the holidays is (or can be) a particular sort of nightmare. 

Perhaps the prospect of travelling, and all the disruption and uncertainty 
that entails, is daunting ... how can being at home feel like a holiday?

Plenty of angles on this. Perhaps there's an object that sums it up 
for you...or a photo that carries the memory.

From Carol - We have spent the week in Norfolk, so much like home 
to us now but also a holiday.  of course if you had a home like this 
(Blickling Hall) then you probably would never want to holiday away from it.

From Sue K - Spending much time in the garden - a bit of a holiday as 
l get so absorbed & at a remove from ‘duty’ tasks. Here’s a sketch of 
multiple watering cans for those clusters of dry days we’ve been having. 
Scattered with Pelargonium petals.

From Joyce - like many of us I can’t resist picking up pebbles and 
shells with interesting patterns, when walking long the beach. 
Here are a few.

From Jo - One version of Holiday at Home would probably look a bit like this - 
croissant and coffee by the kitchen window:
Or, I could think about holidays past, from the comfort of home.........
Having given up attempts to stand up on a sailing surfboard, I was 
very happy paddling around the bay on just the base. Spent ages on 
Sunday evening trying to draw arms, legs, elbows and paddle in a way
that would work. I had been in the Aegean, so wore T-shirt and hat 
against sunburn. Then, being at home, a programme on Botticelli's 
Birth of Venus came up on the TV and all I could focus on was how 
she managed to stand up on that thing!  Result:
Conclusion: all the life-drawing classes I've been to have made no impression!

From Ann - A pen and ink study of the view through the arch to the shed 
at the end of garden. Colour is coming....

From Gill - This is how I’m spending my holiday at home today.
Adding collage to some of my aquatints.

From Janet K - Home is where you hang your hat. Our summer hats 
have not gone beyond London for almost 2 years. We have been walking 
our neighbourhood. Circular walks of between 1 and 1 1/2 hours. 
Explored new areas, learned new local  history facts.The embroidery was 
done in Spring 2020 - some of our walks with our street a the centre.

From Najlaa - On the computer.

From me - "Holiday slides" of various everyday objects. Every day 
is a holiday!

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