24 October 2022

Art fun with Freya

She's learning to count and recognise numbers....

During some nonsense we invented the idea of a banana with three legs, but I suspect the toy bunch of bananas influenced it. When asked to draw "a banana with three legs" this is what she came up with -

Sticker books and activity books are fun, even though she doesn't follow the directions (art rebel!) -

Love this page -

...but she wasn't quite finished -

I had left my palette out, the paint dry in the wells - she fetched water, found a brush and got to work, mixing the colours (eventually into mud), then washed it out in the sink. Good studio practice! She's learning to wash out her brush before changing colours, but also enjoys seeing what colours come out of mixing -

3D "drawing" with lego -

A quiet moment, such concentration -


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