03 July 2019

Woodblock Wednesday - fits and starts

After much tweaking and cogitation at the weekend, I was almost ready to start on the actual carving of the four blocks.
First block cut and printed (Monday), just to get an idea of what it will look like ... even if you can see it in your mind's eye, the reality often has surprises, that "will it work" thing....
Second block cut (Tuesday), with an "island" in the middle of the cut area. Using long strokes for clearing away made me think that having some texture - just a little - inside the blank circle might be a good thing...
Today (Wednesday) the other blocks are traced on (using carbon paper) -- but what to do next in terms of cutting needs reviewing...
While the design stage benefits from stops and starts and sleeping-on-it and rethinks, when it comes to cutting it's better to do a longer session, rather than half an hour here and there, to keep focus and momentum - and enthusiasm.

I've been out doing other things today, rather than "working", but as much as possible will keep Wednesday mornings free for the rest of the summer. (Why is it so difficult to "carve out" the time for doing enjoyable projects?)

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